01. Zankoku na tenshi no these 04:05 02. Fly me to the moon 04:33 03. Angel
Attack 02:31 04. Rei I 03:00 05. Hedgehog's Dilemma 02:48 06. Barefoot in the Park 02:37 07. Ritsuko 03:03 08.
Misato 01:32 09. Asuka Strikes! 02:24 10. Nerv 01:59 11. Tokyo-3 02:25 12. I. Shinji 02:02 13. Eva-01 02:49 14.
A step forward into terror 01:55 15. Eva-02 02:00 16. Decisive Battle 02:25 17. Eva-00 01:51 18. The beast 01:41 19.
Marking time, waiting for death 02:44 20. Rei II 02:57 21. Fly me to the moon 02:59 22. Jikai Yokoku 00:33 23.
Fly me to the moon (Acid Bossa) 03:50

01. Yokan 04:56 02. Zankoku na tenshi no these (TV) 01:33 03. Borderline
case 02:22 04. A crystalline night sky 02:22 05. Angel Attack 2 02:01 06. Angel Attack 3 02:25 07. Both of you,
dance like you want to win 01:52 08. Waking up in the morning 01:30 09. Background music 01:57 10. A moment when
tension breaks 04:13 11. The day Tokyo-3 stood still 01:42 12. Spending time in preperation 02:24 13. She said, "Don't
make others suffer for your personal hatred." 01:55 14. Magmadiver 02:25 15. Pleasure principle 03:50 16. The beast
2 02:20 17. Thanatos 03:31 18. Rei 3 03:44 19. When I find peace of mind 03:35 20. Fly me to the moon (TV size
version) 01:11 21. Fly me to the moon (Rei #5) 01:10 22. Fly me to the moon (Rei #6) 01:11 23. Jikai Yokoku 00:19 24.
Fly me to the moon (Aya Bossa) 03:53 25. Fly me to the moon (Aki Jungle) 04:34

01. Shiawase wa Tsumi no Nio i 04:37 02. Mugen Hoyo 05:26 03. Normal blood
01:58 04. Harbinger of tragedy 01:40 05. Childhood memories, shut away 00:36 06. Those women longed for the touch
of others lips, and thus invited their kisses 02:21 07. Background Music 2 01:34 08. Background Music 3 02:34 09.
In the depth of human hearts 02:24 10. Hostility restrained 01:39 11. Three of me, one of someone else 02:21 12.
Crime of innocence 02:26 13. The sorrow of losing the object of one's dependence 01:33 14. Do you love me? 02:21 15.
Seperation anxiety 02:29 16. Introjection 02:27 17. Depression 02:35 18. Splitting of the breast 02:16 19. Infantile
dependence, adult dependency 03:01 20. Mother is the first other 02:26 21. The heady feeling of freedom 01:50 22.
Good, or don't be 01:23 23. Fly me to the moon (Y. Takahashi) 01:10 24. Fly me to the moon (4 Beat TV size) 01:10 25.
Fly me to the moon (Aya Bossa) 01:09 26. Fly me to the moon (Acid Bossa TV) 01:09 27. Fly me to the moon (4 Beat off
vocal) 01:08 28. Fly me to the moon (Off vocal TV) 01:10 29. Fly me to the moon (Aki jungle TV) 01:08 30. Fly me
to the moon (B-22A TV size) 01:09 31. Fly me to the moon (Rei #23) 01:10 32. Fly me to the moon (Rei #25) 01:11 33.
Fly me to the moon (Rei #26) 01:12 34. Fly me to the moon (Aya London) 08:10

01. Chiero - Dainichigen Chogen 00:26 02. Suiten fur Violoncello solo Nr. 1
00:44 03. DVORAK: Original Complete version 00:34 04. Violon - Dainigen Chogen 00:23 05. Partita 3 fur Violino solo
E-dur 00:24 06. Viora - Daisangen Chogen 01:10 07. Yasashisa no Dairi 00:27 08. Namida 02:07 09. Matsuryo e no,
Genritsu 00:20 10. Kanon D-dur (Quartet) 05:00 11. The sorrow of losing the object of one's dependence 01:36 12.
Kyomo e no, Izon 01:49 13. Jiga Kyokai 02:12 14. Kanon D-dur (Strings Orchestra) 05:12 15. Itsuwari no, Saisei 02:33 16.
Dies Irae [Requiem] 37:12

01. Tanin no Kanshou 02:21 02. Manatsu no Shuen 02:25 03. Taiko e no Kinkyu
Hinan 04:18 04. Itsuwari no, Saisei 02:30 05. Mikawari no Shinnyu 03:31 06. II Air [Orchestral Suite No. 3] 03:25 07.
Sorashiki Nagare 06:17 08. Thanatos -If I can't be yours- 04:54 09. Hajimari e no Tohi 05:00 10. Fuan to no Mitsugetsu
01:41 11. Komm, Süsser Tod (M-10 Directors) 07:46 12. Jesus bleibt meine Freude [Herz und mund und tat und leben] 04:50 13.
Heisoku no Kakudai 06:55 14. Yume no Skima 01:26

01. Zankoku na tenshi no these 04:04 02. Drama [Shukyoku no Tsuzuki] 21:33 03.
Fly me to the moon (Misato) 01:33 04. Fly me to the moon (Asuka) 01:27 05. Chorus: Hallelujah (Messiah) 03:39 06.
Chorus: Worthy is the lamb...Amen 06:46 07. 4th Mov: Presto (Symphony No. 9) 23:09 08. Tendoumushi no Sanba (Bonus Track)
01:15 09. Fly me to the moon (Main version) 04:30 10. Jikai Yokoku (Misato) 00:30 11. Jikai Yokoku (Rei) 00:37 12.
Jikai Yokoku (Asuka) 00:31

DISCO I: 01. 9 th Symphony Choral (Beethoven) 02. Tokyo
- 3 03. Eva - 01 04. MC-1 05. NERV (A-3) 06. Decisive Battle 07. Eva - 00 (E-5) 08. A step forward into
terror 09. Rei I (A-1) 10. Ritsuko (C-5) 11. Rei II (A-1) 12. MC-2 13. I.Shinji (A-6)
DISCO II: 01. Suite Fur Violoncello 02. Partita III fur
Violin 03. Canon & Gigue (String Quartet) 04. Canon & Guigue (Rap Version) 05. Canon & Guigue (Orchestral
Version) 06. Thanatos (E-13) 07. MC-3 08. Borderline Case 09. Mother is the first other (A-10) 10. Fly Me to
the Moon 11. MC-4 12. Messiah Oratorio (Hallelujah Chorus) 13. Thank You